
final public class ZorbDevice

Class encapsulating the all necessary functions for a given device peripheral

  • Differentiates between different hardware versions

    See more



    public enum Version: Int
  • Called to initiate connection with a given zorb device

    Usage Example:

    // Create a `ZorbDevice` object for a given Bluetooth peripheral (or this object may have
    // already been created as in the case of using `retrieveAvailableDevices` method of SDK
    let device = ZorbDevice(with: peripheral)
    // Attempts connection to an advertising device
    device.connect { result in
        switch result {
        case .success:
           // Connect succeeded
        case .failure(let error):
           // An error occurred during connection



    public func connect(completion: @escaping ConnectPeripheralCallback)
  • Called to end connection with a given zorb device

    Usage Example:

    // Create a `ZorbDevice` object for a given Bluetooth peripheral (or this object may have
    // already been created as in the case of using `retrieveAvailableDevices` method of SDK
    let device = ZorbDevice(with: peripheral)
    // After calling this method, device disconnection will be guaranteed



    public func disconnect()
  • Writes the appropriate command to reset given device’s Javascript virtual machine.

    Usage Example:

    // Create a `ZorbDevice` object for a given Bluetooth peripheral (or this object may have
    // already been created as in the case of using `retrieveAvailableDevices` method of SDK
    let device = ZorbDevice(with: peripheral)
    // Reset device SDK environment
    device.reset { result in
        switch result {
        case .success:
           // Reset succeeded
        case .failure(let error):
           // An error occurred during reset



    public func reset(completion: @escaping WriteRequestCallback)
  • Obtains the current revision version of the firmware on the device

    Usage Example:

    // Create a `ZorbDevice` object for a given Bluetooth peripheral (or this object may have
    // already been created as in the case of using `retrieveAvailableDevices` method of SDK
    let device = ZorbDevice(with: peripheral)
    // Read version from device
    device.readVersion { result in
        switch result {
        case .success(let version):
           // Reading version string succeeded
        case .failure(let error):
           // An error occurred during read



    public func readVersion(completion: @escaping (SwiftyBluetooth.Result<String>) -> Void)
  • Obtains the current serial number of the paired device

    Usage Example:

    // Create a `ZorbDevice` object for a given Bluetooth peripheral (or this object may have
    // already been created as in the case of using `retrieveAvailableDevices` method of SDK
    let device = ZorbDevice(with: peripheral)
    // Read serial from device
    device.readSerial { result in
        switch result {
        case .success(let serial):
           // Reading version string succeeded
        case .failure(let error):
           // An error occurred during read



    public func readSerial(completion: @escaping (SwiftyBluetooth.Result<String>) -> Void)
  • Writes desired actuator data to given device.

    Usage Example:

    // Create a `ZorbDevice` object for a given Bluetooth peripheral (or this object may have
    // already been created as in the case of using `retrieveAvailableDevices` method of SDK
    let device = ZorbDevice(with: peripheral)
    // Write data to device actuators
    device.writeActuators(duration: 100, topLeft: 0, topRight: 0, bottomLeft: 25, bottomRight: 25) { result in
        switch result {
        case .success:
           // Write succeeded
        case .failure(let error):
           // An error occurred during write



    public func writeActuators(duration: UInt16, topLeft: UInt8, topRight: UInt8, bottomLeft: UInt8, bottomRight: UInt8, completion: @escaping WriteRequestCallback)



    The total duration, in milliseconds for the given set of vibrations to last.


    Intensity, in a range from 0 to 100, for the top left actuator to be set at.


    Intensity, in a range from 0 to 100, for the top right actuator to be set at.


    Intensity, in a range from 0 to 100, for the bottom left actuator to be set at.


    Intensity, in a range from 0 to 100, for the bottom right actuator to be set at.

  • Writes a given string of Javascript to the given device. Using this method requires internet connection, which is used to compile the Javascript to bytecode before transmission.

    Usage Example:

    // Create a `ZorbDevice` object for a given Bluetooth peripheral (or this object may have
    // already been created as in the case of using `retrieveAvailableDevices` method of SDK
    let device = ZorbDevice(with: peripheral)
    // Write Javascript to device
    let javascript = "new Zorb.Vibration(" +
        "0," +
        "new Zorb.Effect(0,100,11,250)," +
        "213" +
    device.writeJavascript(javascript) { result in
        switch result {
        case .success:
           // Write succeeded
        case .failure(let error):
           // An error occurred during write



    public func writeJavascript(_ javascript: String, completion: @escaping WriteRequestCallback)



    The Javascript code to be written

  • Writes the Javascript code at a given URL to the given device.

    Usage Example:

    // Create a `ZorbDevice` object for a given Bluetooth peripheral (or this object may have
    // already been created as in the case of using `retrieveAvailableDevices` method of SDK
    let device = ZorbDevice(with: peripheral)
    // Write Javascript from url to device
    let url = URL(string: "https://gist.githubusercontent.com/jakerockland/17cb9cbfda0e09fa8251fc7666e2c4dc/raw")!
    device.writeJavascript(at url) { result in
        switch result {
        case .success:
           // Write succeeded
        case .failure(let error):
           // An error occurred during write



    public func writeJavascript(at url: URL, completion: @escaping WriteRequestCallback)



    A URL to the hosted Javascript script to be written

  • Writes a Zorb_Timeline object (as specified by zorb.pb.swift) to the UART RX characteristic.

    Usage Example:

    // Create a `ZorbDevice` object for a given Bluetooth peripheral (or this object may have
    // already been created as in the case of using `retrieveAvailableDevices` method of SDK
    let device = ZorbDevice(with: peripheral)
    // Create Zorb_Timeline and Zorb_Vibration objects using the generated types provided by zorb.pb.swift.
    var timeline = Zorb_Timeline()
    var vibration = Zorb_Vibration()
    // Populate data in the Zorb_Vibration object.
    vibration.channels = 0x01
    vibration.delay = 1000
    vibration.duration = 2000
    vibration.position = 0
    vibration.start = 0
    vibration.end = 100
    vibration.easing = 2
    // Append the Zorb_Vibration to the Zorb_Timeline.
    // Write the bytecode to the UART RX characteristic.
    device.writeTimeline(timeline) { result in
       switch result {
       case .success:
           // Write succeeded
       case .failure(let error):
           // An error occurred during write



    public func writeTimeline(_ timeline: Zorb_Timeline, completion: @escaping WriteRequestCallback)



    A Zorb_Timeline object (from zorb-protocol)

  • Writes a given string of base64 encoded bytecode to the given device.

    Usage Example:

    // Create a `ZorbDevice` object for a given Bluetooth peripheral (or this object may have
    // already been created as in the case of using `retrieveAvailableDevices` method of SDK
    let device = ZorbDevice(with: peripheral)
    // Write bytecode to device
    device.writeBytecode(bytecode) { result in
        switch result {
        case .success:
           // Write succeeded
        case .failure(let error):
           // An error occurred during write



    public func writeBytecodeString(_ bytecode: String, completion: @escaping WriteRequestCallback)



    The base64 encoded representation of pre-compiled Javascript bytecode to be written

  • Triggers a given pre-loaded pattern on the given device

    Usage Example:

     device.triggerPattern(.🎊) { result in
         switch result {
         case .success:
            // Pattern triggered successfully
         case .failure(let error):
            // An error occurred in triggering pattern



    public func triggerPattern(_ pattern: Trigger, completion: @escaping WriteRequestCallback)



    The Trigger enumeration option of the given preloaded pattern to trigger